Are you eligible for Medicare? Try our free tool.

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Medicare for Organizations

When your employees or clients need Medicare guidance, we’ll be there.

Don’t worry about Medicare. We’ll take it off your plate!

Your team doesn’t have to guide employees or clients through the Medicare maze. Our advisors will work one-on-one with them to see if Medicare makes sense and help them find the right plan.

With RetireMed, you can:

  • Reduce your company’s health insurance costs 
  • Ensure your Medicare-eligible employees or clients, and their dependents, explore all their health insurance plan options
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We streamline the process―all at no cost to you or your employees.

Your Organization Wins:

  1. We serve as a no-cost, personalized educational resource to you and your employees or clients.
  2. We provide ongoing support for your organization’s evolving needs.
  3. We offer a turnkey process with no added responsibilities for your team.

They Win:

  1. Your employees or clients will have instant access to important Medicare information and educational resources.
  2. They will receive tailored communications and expert advice for a stress-free transition to Medicare.
  3. Medicare-eligible employees or clients will gain confidence in making informed health coverage decisions.
  4. Medicare may provide more benefits (such a gym membership, hearing aids, over-the-counter allowance, lower deductibles, and more) at a lower cost than your group insurance plan.
RetireMed Free Guides

What Organizations Need to Know

Perfect for:

Anyone who is considering how to help employees or their clients with Medicare but not sure where to start.

RetireMed Question Answer

Who We Are,
How We Help

Perfect for:

Anyone who wants to learn what RetireMed can offer in just minutes.


Perfect for:

Anyone who wants to connect directly with the team at RetireMed to learn more through an initial consultation.

Employers Save


Per employee, per year on average for individuals age 65+ when they go onto Medicare compared to $7,232 average for individuals under 65 on employer coverage.

*Oswald Companies Study

RetireMed Costs


We serve as a no-cost, personalized resource all the way from education to enrollment. We do it all. 

Lifelong Support


RetireMed has an unmatched 95% + client retention rate. We offer a best-in-class client experience with lifelong support and will be with your employees or clients through all of life’s twists and turns.

More than 1,500 organizations partner with RetireMed.

“RetireMed is a great resource!”
– Bethany S., Dayton Children’s Hospital
“We are confident employees will receive answers to their questions.”
– Georgia W., Kettering Health
“RetireMed provides a wonderful service with consummate professionals eager to assist in any way they can. They have continued to take an adaptive approach to each situation while providing a high level of support and compassion to our employees.”
- Kevin B., Sheffer Corporation
“RetireMed cares about you today, tomorrow, and in the future."
– Tanya G., Cincinnati Financial
Our employees find this to be a great resource to assist in navigating Medicare, Health Savings Accounts and Social Security, all while continuing to work! This expert advice gives our Human Resources team support and employees peace of mind.
– Mandy S., Montgomery County
“One of our firefighters said RetireMed is the best service we have ever provided him.”
– Janet M., IAA